The sun is shining! Solar Smart Charging just got better with visualisation

See your solar charging in action

Ever wondered how much of your EV’s charge is powered by the sun? Now you can see it for yourself! Based on requests from our users, we’ve developed a tool that lets you visually track when your car is charging on solar energy. With this new feature, you can see how much solar energy is forecasted for your location and how much is actually used by your EV. This gives you a clear view of your energy use, helping you make smarter charging decisions.

Maximizing your solar energy

Solar panels are incredibly popular among EV drivers, and for good reason. In the Netherlands alone, over 80% of EV drivers who charge at home have solar panels installed. Did you know that a typical 400-watt solar panel can produce about 400 kWh per year? That’s enough energy to drive approximately 2,000 kilometers! Our new solar visualization tool helps you maximize the use of this clean energy, making your solar investment even more valuable.

Save money and boost self-consumption

As solar energy continues to grow across Europe, it’s becoming more important to use the energy you generate rather than sending it back to the grid. In some places, energy suppliers have started imposing penalties or offering lower rates for the energy you inject back into the grid compared to what you pay when you consume energy. With our improved solar visualization feature, you can save money by ensuring more of your solar energy goes directly into charging your EV, reducing your charging costs and increasing your self-consumption.

Avoid wasting solar energy

In some neighborhoods, the popularity of solar energy has led to challenges with too many households trying to inject solar power into the grid at the same time. This can cause local voltage increases, leading to solar panels being forced to shut down—a process known as curtailment. We’ve heard from many users who are frustrated by this, as it means wasting valuable solar energy. By increasing your self-consumption with solar smart charging, you can prevent these curtailment events and ensure that more of your solar energy is put to good use.

In this scenario, solar panels were forced to shut down around 10:00. By plugging an EV around 11:30, the voltage decreased locally, allowing the user to use the solar power to charge their car during an hour and a half.

Free for all users

The best part? Our new solar visualisation feature is completely free for all users with the solar feature enabled in our smart charging app. We want everyone to be able to make the most of their solar energy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

We hope you enjoy this new feature as much as we enjoyed creating it. Download the latest version of the app and start maximizing your solar energy today!

Ready for the the future?

Don't hesitate to contact us, so we can discuss how we can make it work for your organization.

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